Things you can’t write down on your CV

A while ago, I discussed with a colleague of mine. We were chilling after the strategy workshop in a hot tub. She all of a sudden asked me what I thought was the most essential thing in being a leader. She continued, what had been the best moment as a leader. I answered trust and added that the best moments as a leader are the ones you can’t write down on your cv.

In many cases, your success has been measured based on financial factors. But is that how you measure your success? Do sales figures, or EBITDA define how you succeeded as a leader? How much value do you put on issues like career endorsement within or outside the company, employment satisfaction, trust, having the right person doing the right job in the organization?

I have a few moments that I’m especially proud of:

Being trusted
When my team member told me, among the first ones about sexual orientation, I think we both were wiping our tears in the lunch table. I was so overwhelmed and honored by the trust shown towards me with this extremely private matter.

Being accelerator

Another team member was so exhausted with the workload and was almost burned out. I was being able to recognize the situation and create a less stressful work schedule for a short while. The situation sorted out well.

These moments are also an excellent time to think through your passions. Are you working in an environment and with the thing that genuine interest you? Sometimes you fall in love with your work again, at times you realize time has come to continue in a different direction, and time to concentrate on real passion.

Later on, this person realized there was no passion at work and works nowadays elsewhere.

Being aware of hidden potential

I was able to recognize the hidden strengths and potential of an introvert senior team member, who, I later realized had been positioned to non-suitable cases. After the realization and focusing on the right customers, and cases suiting for his strength, customer satisfaction raised.

Additionally, the team got valuable help for issues, we thought we did not know. The best part is against all the odds he stayed in touch with me after I left the company.

People are complicated, unpredictable, and much more. But they are also fascinating creatures. All people have hidden potential. The trick is to how to combine so many seemingly unconnected things people are passioned. In some cases, I have succeeded, and there are situations where I haven’t.

The most important lesson I have learned;
Listen and observe people and do your best to position them in the roles where they can use their potential. The positive result also shows in financial figures.

What makes you feel successful as a leader?