From A Dream To Be A Peace Negotiator to Transformation Expertise

Growing up, many of us have dreams and aspirations. We envision ourselves in specific roles, making a positive impact on the world. Yet, life often has a way of leading us down unexpected paths. In my case, I always wanted to be a peace negotiator, working to resolve conflicts and bring harmony to our troubled world, but I became a transformation expert instead. Surprisingly, I found that these two seemingly disparate fields share more similarities than one might initially think.

Strategic Planning: The Common Thread

The foundation of both peace negotiation and leading transformation lies in strategic planning. In peace negotiations, parties involved must carefully plan their approach to achieve a peaceful resolution. Similarly, transformation demands meticulous strategic planning to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape.

Strategic planning is not merely about setting goals but also about developing a roadmap to reach them. In both fields, success hinges on a well-thought-out strategy that considers various scenarios and potential obstacles.

Change Management: Navigating Choppy Waters

Both peace negotiations and transformation are journeys of change. In peace negotiations, it’s about transforming conflict into cooperation and understanding. In transformation it’s about adapting an organization’s technology, processes, and culture to a new digital era.

Managing change is an art in itself. It requires understanding human psychology and the ability to communicate effectively, inspire, and lead. In both cases, leaders must navigate the choppy waters of change, guiding their teams or parties toward a new and improved state.

Collaboration: Building Bridges

Collaboration is another common thread. In peace negotiations, different parties with opposing interests must work together to reach a settlement. In transformation, cross-functional teams collaborate to bring about necessary changes.

Both endeavors’ success often depends on building bridges and fostering cooperation among diverse stakeholders. Collaboration is the glue that holds the pieces together.

Conflict Resolution: The Essence of Progress

At their core, both peace negotiation and transformation are about resolving conflicts. In peace negotiations, the conflicts are often geopolitical, involving political, social, and economic disparities. In transformation, the conflicts can be internal, stemming from resistance to change or differences in opinion.

Conflict resolution is essential for progress. Whether achieving a peaceful resolution in a war-torn region or overcoming resistance to change within an organization, the ability to address and resolve conflicts is paramount.

Communication: The Currency of Trust

Clear and effective communication is a linchpin in both fields. In peace negotiations, transparent communication builds trust among parties. In transformation, it’s about conveying the vision and purpose of the transformation, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Communication is the currency of trust. In both scenarios, progress is hindered without open and honest communication, and trust erodes.

Leadership: The Guiding Light

Leadership is another common factor. In peace negotiations, leaders play a pivotal role in guiding the process and making crucial decisions. Strong leadership is necessary in transformation to inspire and guide an organization through the changes.

Effective leaders in both fields possess vision, adaptability, and the ability to motivate and empower others.

The Long-Term View

Both peace negotiations and transformation often entail long-term endeavors. Patience and a focus on long-term objectives are vital. Quick fixes and short-term thinking rarely lead to sustainable solutions.

Outcome Orientation: The End Goal

Ultimately, both fields are outcome-oriented. Peace negotiations aim for a peaceful resolution, while transformation seeks to achieve specific goals and enhance organizational performance. Success is measured by the tangible results achieved.

While my dream of becoming a peace negotiator took an unexpected turn, I’ve found that the journey I embarked on as a transformation expert shares more similarities with my childhood aspirations than I could have ever imagined. The ability to strategize, manage change, build bridges, resolve conflicts, communicate effectively, lead with purpose, and maintain a focus on the long-term and desired outcomes are skills that transcend specific fields.

Ultimately, what matters most is the positive impact we can make, regardless of the path we choose. Whether striving to bring peace to conflict zones or spearheading transformation in the corporate world, the essence of progress remains the same: to make the world a better place, one step at a time. 


As I explore the parallels between peace negotiations and transformation, I must acknowledge my deep respect for peace negotiators. Peace negotiators navigate complex international conflicts to create a safer and more harmonious world. While I’ve found common ground between these fields, it’s important to note that the roles are distinct. While transformation focuses on reshaping organizations for the new era,, peace negotiations deal with matters of life and death.