And I Thought I Could Cheat My Fitness Routine!

Spring is usually a time for renewal and growth, but I faced an unexpected challenge late this past season. My whole body demanded my attention in ways I had never experienced before. The result? I have now had an intensive two-month-long journey of rehabilitation of my body, which still continues, partly for the rest of my life. It also taught me invaluable lessons about self-care and self-respect.

The Wake-Up Call

It started with a nagging pain in my lower back during the night, which I initially brushed off as just another consequence of sitting too long at my desk. But soon, that pain spread to my whole body. Simple tasks like walking up the stairs, standing, or sitting for long periods became painful. I could no longer ignore the signs that my body had been sending me for weeks, if not months. It was clear: I needed help, and more so, I needed to do something differently.

The Rehabilitation Process

Embarking on rehabilitation wasn’t easy. It required a significant shift in my daily routine, mindset, and priorities. I felt I couldn’t start my journey while still working, so I had everything booked on my first days of summer vacation. To address my physical issues, I first sought help from a personal trainer and recommended physical therapist, who crafted a tailored rehabilitation plan focusing on pain relief, mobility, and strength building. I committed to a daily routine of specific exercises and stretches alongside other plans we had made for the holiday. Incorporating mindfulness practices that work for me, like reading fiction (yes, it’s mindfulness;-)) Adding yoga or pilates not only eased physical pain but also helped manage stress and mental fatigue. Finally, I prioritized proper rest; I even learned how to nap (I really didn’t know how to do that!), understanding that recovery was just as important as the exercises in my rehabilitation journey.

The Challenges Along the Way

Rehabilitation is never a linear process. There were days when I felt like I was back at square one, dealing with flare-ups and setbacks, wondering why the heck I was using my time, effort, and money on this! Those moments really tested my patience. However, each setback reminded me of the importance of self-compassion, the need to listen to my body, and the fact that so often gets forgotten. It’s not the motivation that keeps you going; it’s the tolerance and perseverance to handle the monotonous repetition of the same exercises and movements. Those countless hours of slow and not-so-exciting aquatic running in the pool and specific not-so-nice mobility exercises before every gym session. It’s always a humbling experience to realize that healing isn’t just about physical recovery and understanding and respecting your limits.

Lessons in Self-Care and Self-Respect

“Next time, I’ll be better!” I said last time, and here we are again! Here are the key takeaways that I hope I WILL remember next time:

Self-Care Isn’t Optional: Ignoring self-care quickly leads to burnout and physical injury. Taking time for myself isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Whatever it is for you, walking during lunch, stretching between meetings, or simply unplugging after work, these small acts of care make a big difference.

Listen to Your Body: My body had been trying to tell me for quite some time that something was wrong, but I stupidly ignored it despite all my prior knowledge. Now, I  most definitely know the price of not paying attention. So pay attention—whether it’s discomfort, fatigue, or stress. These signals are my body’s way of communicating its needs.

Boundaries Are Essential: I realized the importance of setting boundaries. Even if my experience and assessment tell me I can do this task, I must also learn to fully understand when the cost of going forward is too high. It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of others or the organization, but it’s crucial to carve out what it means to yourself. This boundary is a form of self-respect, allowing me to recharge and maintain my well-being. It also assures you know how much responsibility and organization weight you can carry.  

Progress Over Perfection: Rehabilitation reminded me that progress isn’t always about dramatic improvements. Sometimes, it’s about small, consistent steps forward. Celebrating these small victories helped keep me motivated and reminded me that healing is a journey, not a destination.

Moving Forward

While still undergoing rehabilitation, I’m committed to maintaining the healthy habits I’ve developed. My body is stronger, but more importantly, I’ve learned once again a bit harder way to prioritize my well-being. I got a loud and clear reminder not to see self-care as an afterthought—it needs to be an integral part of my daily life.

To anyone out there who might be neglecting their health due to the pressures of work or anything else, I urge you to take a step back and reassess. Your body is one of your greatest assets, and it deserves your attention and care. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup—taking care of yourself is the first step towards being your best, both personally and professionally.