The Truth About “Remote” Open Positions

Remote work has become the new norm for many employees and employers, but when it comes to remote open positions on LinkedIn, the truth is that not all of them are genuinely remote from a global perspective. So, what’s the deal?

Rules And Regulations

First, some organizations have legal and regulatory requirements that prevent them from hiring employees not based in specific locations. Companies also want to avoid writing that in their job ads. It’s not that they don’t want to hire you. It’s just that their hands are tied. It’s akin to attempting to board a flight with a counterfeit boarding pass – the odds of success are slim to none.

What’s the time there?

Another reason some “remote” open positions on LinkedIn may not be genuinely remote is time zone differences. Some organizations may prefer to hire employees in similar time zones to ensure they can collaborate effectively and work together during regular business hours. So, if you’re a night owl living in a different time zone, think twice before applying. This is nowadays more visible in some cases, but you should check if this is expected.

“Did you not get the joke?”

Language and cultural barriers can also be a factor. Some organizations may prefer to hire employees located in specific regions or countries to ensure they can communicate effectively and understand cultural nuances. It’s like trying to explain a joke to someone who doesn’t speak your language – it just doesn’t work. I’ve tried!

Do you have support for remote work?

Finally, infrastructure limitations can also be a factor. Some organizations may not have the necessary technology or infrastructure to support remote work in specific regions or countries. It’s like trying to use a flip phone in a world of smartphones – it’s just not going to cut it.

The Fine Print of ‘Remote’ Open Positions

While remote work is becoming more common, it’s essential to recognize that not all “remote” open positions are truly remote from a global perspective. Companies may not want to specify what “remote” actually means in job ads because they want to keep their options open, may not have a clear remote work policy in place yet, or want to have the flexibility to change their policy in the future. Or maybe there’s no viable option on LinkedIn for what they are offering? So, before you apply, make sure to read the fine print and check if you’re eligible. Otherwise, you may try to fit a square peg into a round hole.