Spot your opportunities

In a previous blog, I already started with my ideas of finding the potential in you.  And I want to go a bit deeper with that.

‘I’ve been in the positions that I shouldn’t have been accepting and in the companies that present different values I do. I have also thought that those things ‘don’t matter. That I can “”just work”” for a while. But ‘it’s hard. “”Just working”” in an environment that resembles none of your core values or very few of them is harder and more energy consuming than working really hard; hence you ‘don’t get anything from the first one, and in the worse case, ‘it’s not even fun.

Know your core values

For me, my values were more important than I expected. Think about the moment in your life when you felt very satisfied or fulfilled. What was it? And who do you admire and why? What is their action you find inspiring? You usually admire these people because of the value they offer.

When you look at your work and reflect that to your answers, what can you find consistent with your values? 

It’s not your answers but the response of those questions. And remember there’re no wrong answers here!

In the leadership culture, I value, managers’ most important job should be to help those around him/her to reach their greatest potential. This doesn’t mean find it whatever it takes – kind of approach, but it can mean that people have two or three scenarios of their possible future. After that manager, along with the person, can figure out the path that is best for them.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses

Can you write down your two or three greatest strengths and your two or three most significant weaknesses? While most people can detail their strengths, they often struggle to identify key weaknesses. 

This exercise involves meaningful reflection and, almost always, requires soliciting the views of people who will tell you the brutal truth. Unfortunately, you often ‘can’t count on your boss to accurately assess your strengths or to be willing to confront you with what ‘you’re doing wrong. ‘It’s up to you to take control of this process by seeking coaching, asking for concrete feedback, and being receptive to input from a wide variety of people at various levels within your organization.

Dare to succeed!

Many people from different cultures are held back because they ‘don’t believe they are worthy of success. It sounds absurd but it’s true. My dear sister loves to joke about this saying, “what do I do then if this really works?” People often can’t see themselves beyond the life they are accustomed to. They look for opportunities from a limited perspective of what they already have and can’t see past this.

You should think that you’re greatness is not an illusion or a grandiose belief, but is something that will come in due time.

If and when you failed, don’t crucify yourself. Consider why you failed and explore what you can do next time. Use failure as a teacher to learn where you still need to do some work!

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