Can a “Roadrunner” learn to meditate?

Last summer, I talked with my sister, who had started to use the Headspace app. Headspace has one mission: to improve the health and happiness of the world, so I decided to follow my sister’s lead, see if my health and happiness would improve, and give it a try. So now, more than 365 days later, it is time to check if something has changed.

What has happened after 365 days streak of mediation sessions? 

The change that is most visible to me is the quality of sleep. I know it’s not always the intention and purpose to do the meditation before you go to bed, but now after trying meditation in the morning, day, and evening, evening has been the most convenient time of the day (at least so far). I have noticed that it’s easier for me to calm down and slide to sleep, than without my evening set.

If I remember and have time, I try to do a meditation set in the morning too. I could describe the effect as a decrease in RPMs. Every person has a normal RPM, which their engine runs, and it’s set to a certain level. As a result of meditation, I have been able to lower the primary level of RPMs and control them better.

Oh, those working with me closely know that I can accelerate from 0 to 100 faster than Tesla. Still, my temper is here, alive and kicking, but the significant difference is in the variance and cooldown time I have managed to adapt.

What’s meditation?

Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

At first, I thought meditating was sitting down and trying to empty my mind. Well… for a “RoadRunner” like me, it sounded way too much to handle. But, when I realized it was not trying to push things out of my mind but trying not to get stuck with the thoughts, things started to get interesting.

With that said, special thanks to my over 365 days streak go to the well-designed headspace app and Andy (the male voice that I’ve grown to like). The programs guide you through meditation, so it’s easy for a person to follow and get benefits out of it.

Benefits of meditation

Originated from Eastern wellness traditions from India, China, and Japan and currently practiced globally, it has become widespread wellness practice.

Researchers have found significant benefits from meditation. These can include decreased stress, improved concentration, lower blood pressure, and reduced anxiety and depression symptoms, to name a few.  

And while there are different types of meditation, they can all offer a similar set of proven benefits for mental and physical health. 

Here’s what research has found

  1. Better focus and concentration
  2. Improve self-esteem and self
  3. Reduce stress
  4. Manage anxiety or depression
  5. Fight addiction
  6. Control pain
  7. Make you more kind or loving

My headspace today

I can honestly say I have noticed the results. I’m not sure if I’m more loving or kinder, but I’m sure I have more patience than I had. I haven’t figured yet how to control pain, but I can see the results with stress, focus, and concentration.

My experiment has taught me to identify and notice faster the feelings that arise in a different situation. I’ve gained more understanding of unique ways to cope with different situations and emotions. It has also underlined the power and significance of stopping in the middle of a busy day or hectic project.

So next time I’m about to flip because someone comments on my PowerPoint slides’ font style or size or works as a Sand Spreader, I will stop for a moment. And even if I can practically hear the pressure increasing exponentially in my head, I know that keeping the rounds up is not helping and won’t take me anywhere.

I don’t know if meditation or something else (maybe I am getting older and wiser) has triggered this since I don’t consider myself a religious person. Still, I have made an effort to remind myself over the essence of the famous Reinhold Niebuhr’s quote:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr

And at times, it feels I’m starting to get the hang of it!